The Use of Viatorr Stent at the Thoracic Outlet to Maintain Hemodialysis Access Function

(A) pre-procedure digital subtraction venogram of right upper extremity demonstrated complete occlusion of right subclavian vein at the level of wall stent. (B) Digital subtraction venogram following venous recanalization and Viatorr stent placement demonstrated significant luminal gain with good forward flow.

we can write here………

Stent placement within the subclavian arteries and veins has
been shown to have poor durability, likely due to mechanical motion within this region causing repetitive stress
and structural failure of the stent.2 Generally, stent placement in the subclavian vessels is not recommended.3 This is
particularly problematic in dialysis patients who rely on
patent outflow veins for their dialysis access and are often
not good sur

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